Get back to what you love
Individualized Physical Therapy treatment plans and one-on-one personalized care, period.
Get back to what you love
Individualized treatments plans and one-on-one personalized care, period.
Physical Therapy Services
Each of our Chicago locations offers physical therapy and rehabilitation for a variety of diagnoses. Our physical therapists are trained in several disciplines and are equipped with various tools to improve your condition.
Our Team
Our team of licensed physical therapists understands no two bodies are alike and will work with you to get fit at the right pace.
Colin Penn
Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)
Cori Mack
Master's of Physical Therapy (MPT)
Certified Orthopedic Manual Therapist (COMT)
Chicago Locations
Physical therapy at four convenient locations in Chicago’s downtown and surrounding neighborhoods.
You are welcome regardless
of your starting point.
Patients we’ve worked with share their experiences.